Terms of Business

Terms of Business

  1. The Law

1.1 These terms and conditions and all other expressed terms of the contract shall be governed and constructed in
accordance with the laws of England.

  1. Definitions

2.1 Company means Quanta Training Limited. Client means the Company, delegate or person named on the Booking Form for
whom the Company has agreed to provide the Training Course in accordance with these conditions. Public scheduled
course means any course open to the public and running at the Company’s designated premises. Onsite course means any
course that is a closed course running at a Client’s or Client’s designated premises. Company day means any course
that is a closed course running at the Company’s designated premises.

  1. Supply of Training Courses

3.1 The Company shall provide Training Courses generally in accordance with these conditions and/or more specifically
as part of the Training Days Scheme in accordance with clauses 6 and 7 respectively.

3.2 The Client shall request a Training Course by completing and signing (written or electronic acceptance) a Booking
Form which must be received at least 15 business days before the commencement of the appropriate Training Course.

3.3 No booking will be deemed accepted by the Company, unless and until confirmed in writing by the representative of
the Company. By confirming the booking the Client is accepting the Company’s terms and conditions.

3.4 The Company may at any time without notifying the Client make changes to the Training Course or postpone, cancel
or discontinue the Training Course booked, without liability to the Client.

3.5 The Company reserves the right to refuse or restrict anyone from attending its Training Courses.

3.6 Training Days may only be used to attend nominated courses.

3.7 Course outlines are correct at time of publishing.

3.8 If consent has been given, Quanta will occasionally record calls for training purposes only.  Calls are stored
anonymously and are deleted after 24 hours. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please inform us in writing. Your
request will be actioned within 2 working days of receipt.

  1. Copyright

4.1 All intellectual property rights for all course material shall remain the property of Quanta Training Limited. No
part of the training material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing of the copyright owner.

  1. Charges

5.1 The Client shall pay the Company’s Standard Charges, Training Days Scheme Charges and any additional sums which
have been agreed between the Company and the Client for provision of the Training Course(s) or purchase of Training
Days within 15 days from invoice date or 15 days prior to first day of the Training Course(s) date whichever is

5.2 Clients wishing to make payment from non-UK Accounts must be responsible for all bank charges in relation to the
overseas transaction, this includes charges levied by the Client’s bank and levied by the bank of Quanta Training
Limited, in accepting this specific transaction.

5.3 All prices quoted to the Client exclude VAT and are subject to interest at the rate of 2% over Barclays Bank then
current base rate from the due date of payment.

5.4 Once the sums which are agreed between the Company and the Client for the provision of the Training Course(s) or
other services have been paid, then all of the money paid by the Client is non-refundable unless specific terms are
agreed in writing between the Company and the Client. If a Training Course is cancelled by written notice from the
Client in accordance with Section 8 Cancellations, then the money paid, may be carried forward in the form of a credit
or Training Days for use with a future Training Course of the same or lower value.

5.5 Prices are correct at time of publishing but may be subject to change.

5.6 The Company shall be entitled to invoice the Client in respect of the Training Course(s) requested upon receipt
of a Booking Form or at other times agreed with the Client. If the Client fails to give written notice of his
intention to cancel in accordance with Section 8 Cancellations, then the Company shall be entitled to invoice the
Client for the full cost of the Training course.

5.7 Free technical support will be offered to the Client who attended the Training Course, for a period of 30 days,
after completion of the course. The technical support must relate to the course taken and applies to the delegate who
attended the course.

  1. Liability

6.1 Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the Company’s negligence, or as expressly provided in
these Conditions, the Company shall not be liable to the Client by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent),
or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the
Contract for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other
claims (whether caused by the negligence of the Company its servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in
connection with the provision of the Training Course and the entire liability of the Company under or in connection
with the Contract shall not exceed the amount of the Company’s charges for the provision of the Training Course except
as expressly provided in these Conditions.

6.2 The Company shall not be liable to the Client or be deemed in breach of contract by reason of any delay or
failure to perform any of the Company’s obligations in relation to the Training Course if this was due to any cause
beyond the Company’s reasonable control.

6.3 For Cloud based courses the Company will not be liable to the Client if the Service being used goes down or is
slow as a result of service continuity issues related to the Service Provider; for example, if the Office365 service
becomes unavailable from Microsoft.  With regards to an internet connection for such courses, the Company will be
responsible for a solid and reliable internet connection for all Public scheduled courses.  For any Onsite courses the
Client is responsible for providing the reliable and stable internet connection upon which the Company can run the

  1. Training Days Scheme

7.1 The Client shall be entitled to purchase a number of Training Days starting at a minimum of 11 for instruction of
its employee’s servants and/or agents on the Company’s Training Courses. The Company may postpone, vary, cancel or
discontinue any of its Training Courses at any time without notifying the Client.

7.2 The Client may purchase an unlimited number of Training Days under the Training Days Scheme, subject to all such
Training Days being undertaken within the period of 12 calendar months from invoice date. Any training days used to
purchase a course with an exam, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the company will be invoiced to ensure that you
pay only the required amount.

7.3 Any failure by the Client to utilise all of the Training Days purchased under the Training Days Scheme within the
12 calendar month period shall result in such Training Days being forfeited by the Client and the Company shall not be
liable to compensate or reimburse the Client in respect thereof in any manner whatsoever.

7.4 The Company’s charges in respect of the Training Days Scheme shall be due 15 days before the start of the first
training course booked used the training days or within 15 days of invoice date which ever falls sooner. Booking of
training days will only be completed at such time as the Client has provided the company with a valid payment method
for invoicing.

7.5 If the Client fails to give the Company written notice in accordance with Section 8 Cancellations, of their
intention to cancel or not attend a Training Course booked under the Training Days Scheme this will result in the
Training Days being forfeited by the Client and the Company shall not be liable to compensate or reimburse the Client
in respect thereof in any manner whatsoever.

  1. Cancellations

8.1 Public Scheduled Course

Confirmed Booking with dates 10 business days* Greater than 10 business days*
Cancellation Fee 100% 0%
Course Date Change 100% 0%
Delegate Name Change 0% 0%

8.2 Onsite and Company Day

Confirmed Booking with dates 10 business days* Greater than 10 business days*
Cancellation Fee 100% Discretionary 50% handling charge**
Course Date Change 100% Discretionary 50% handling charge**

8.3 Residential Courses

Confirmed Booking with dates 30 days* Greater than 30 days*
Cancellation Fee 100% 0%
Course Date Change 100% 0%
Delegate Name Change 0% 0%

* not including the day of notification, public holidays or the first day of the course
** this discretionary 50% handling charge is to cover any costs already incurred

8.4 The Company may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the Client, if the Client commits
any breach of the Terms and Conditions stated.

  1. Non-attendance

9.1 Non-Attendance of any course for any reason whatsoever is deemed to be a cancellation with no notice and payment
is due in full.

  1. Force Majeure

10.1 The Company shall not be in breach of this contract if the provision of services are delayed or cancelled or
reduced through any circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including acts of god (including but not limited to
fire, flood, earthquake, storm, snow, hurricane, or other natural disasters) war, invasion, Civil unrest, Government
action, labour disputes, strikes, lock-out or interruption or failure of power supply.

  1. Bribery & Corruption

11.1 It is the Company’s policy to conduct all its business in an honest and ethical manner, and we take a
zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with
integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. Wherever we operate we will implement and enforce effective
systems to counter bribery.

Complaints & Appeals

We very much hope you will never need it but should you ever have cause to you can view our Complaints
& Appeals Procedure here

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I enjoyed the course. It was well presented and the trainer was engaging and supportive. It was great to receive a hard copy course book ahead of the course too.
- Sophie Wales, Department for Education
Engaging delivery and the tutor brought the course to life by using real life examples.
- Adam Bellew, Department for Education
The course was extremely well delivered and organised. The Trainer was very knowledgeable. We were prepared for the exam and put at ease prior to the start. I recommend Quanta…
- Jaci Blackmore, HMRC Newcastle
Honestly one of the best training days I've ever attended. Meaningful, impactful and interesting training. I Really enjoyed it!
- Jamie Wright, Ofgem
What a great, friendly and approachable company to receive training from! Good course delivery, content and very well paced.
- Steve Pringle, National savings & Investments

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