Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last reviewed: 08/2021

At Quanta, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy in line with British and European Regulations. This policy will explain when and why we collect personal information from visitors to our website, how we use this information and the conditions under which we may disclose it to others.

What information is being collected?

As part of the booking process we collect some personal information, including your name, address, telephone number and email address. When making a purchase online, your card details are collected by our third party payment processors, Braintree and Worldpay, and are not held or stored by us in any capacity.

How is your information used?

If you are a customer, we will use your personal data to:

  • Process any order that you have submitted
  • Update you on the status of any orders that you are involved in
  • Obtain feedback on the services we provide

We will also process your data for Marketing Purposes if we have a lawful basis to do so:

  • Consent – If you have double opted-in to receive our marketing updates
  • Legitimate interests – if you have not specifically opted out, we may consider the balancing act and send you very targeted e-mail marketing if we believe that you will benefit from what we are sharing. When using legitimate interests, we will clearly state, at the top of the email, the purpose of contacting you.

At any time, you can opt out of our marketing emails (we will always send you emails specific to your orders as this contains vital information that you need!), marketing phone calls and direct mail. The link to do this is at the bottom of marketing emails that we send you.

Who has access to your information?

Your personal data is stored internally behind our company firewall (provided by Sophos) and all data is held is accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR from 25th May 2018.

We will not sell or rent your personal information to third parties nor will we share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.

Authorised Subprocessors

Microsoft Dynamics
Associate Trainers

Nature of processing undertaken

  1. Microsoft Dynamics – Booking system tracking future training and training history (with Quanta). Information stored, and only accessible after successful authentication:
    1. Full name
    2. E-mail Address
    3. Phone Number
    4. Company
    5. Job Title
    6. Address
    7. Disabilities or other Physical Requirements
    8. Dietary Requirements
  2. Associate Trainers – Trainers who are not under full employ of Quanta Training but have been vetted and signed a Data Sharing Policy with Quanta Training. Information shared:
    1. Full name
    2. E-mail Address
    3. Company
    4. Job Title
    5. Phone Number (of the contact at the training site)

No additional information, other than what is necessary for them to deliver the service, is disclosed to our Third Party Partners and we have contracts in place that require them to keep your information secure. Please see their privacy policies for more information if you wish.

Online and telephone purchasing is handled by a dedicated third party payment processor, who specialises in the secure capture of this information and the processing of card transactions. If you have any further questions about this, please get in contact with us.

How do I exercise my rights?

Right to be informed – This document is presented to users when capturing their personal information. Our Data Retention Policy can be seen here.

Right to access – If you would like to access the data we have stored about you, please contact us here.

Right to rectification – If any of the information we have stored about you is incorrect, please contact us here.

Right to erasure – If you would like us to clear any personal data of yours that we hold please contact us here.

Right to restrict processing – If you would like us to keep your information (you may want us to keep track of your training record) but not use it in any way, you can contact us here.

Right to data portability – If you would like to receive a copy of, or for us to share onwards to another processor/controller, your data please contact us here.

Right to object – If you would like us to keep your data but object to specific uses of your data, please contact us here.

Rights related to automated decision making including profiling – This does not apply to us – we do not fully automate decision making like this, we only use data for these purposes when we have consent or if we have made a human decision that we can lawfully use the data under legitimate interests.


Like most websites, Quanta uses cookies (small files your browser saves to remember certain things from web pages, such as usernames, settings, times you visited, etc.) to help us to track the patterns of behaviour of visitors to our site. The information collected in this way can be used to identify you so that we can deliver a better, more personalised, service.

Quanta also uses Google Analytics cookies on our website. Google Analytics is a website monitoring tool developed by Google that allows us to see how a user comes to the site and how the site is navigated. It does not store any personal information and you can opt-out of Analytics tracking through Google.

Call Recording

For training purposes, our sales calls are recorded and retained for a maximum of 30 days. If you do not wish for this to take place, inform the sales team member and the recording will be disposed off immediately.

Contacting Us

If you have any queries about our Privacy Policy, particularly if you are uncomfortable with any aspect of it, then please get in touch at You may also email us at this address to obtain what information we have collected about you which you can then correct or ask us to remove.

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I enjoyed the course. It was well presented and the trainer was engaging and supportive. It was great to receive a hard copy course book ahead of the course too.
- Sophie Wales, Department for Education
Engaging delivery and the tutor brought the course to life by using real life examples.
- Adam Bellew, Department for Education
The course was extremely well delivered and organised. The Trainer was very knowledgeable. We were prepared for the exam and put at ease prior to the start. I recommend Quanta…
- Jaci Blackmore, HMRC Newcastle
Honestly one of the best training days I've ever attended. Meaningful, impactful and interesting training. I Really enjoyed it!
- Jamie Wright, Ofgem
What a great, friendly and approachable company to receive training from! Good course delivery, content and very well paced.
- Steve Pringle, National savings & Investments

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